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Saturday, March 2, 2013|0 note(s)

Back to normal :) 
Well, i guess it's time for me to set my goals

To achieve by end of 2013 
1st - Get my car license 
2nd - Do well in my IIP 
3rd - Travel to Taiwan or Bkk 
4th - Have a memorable 21st birthday 
5th - Live happily 
6th - Have lots of money

Sunday, February 24, 2013|0 note(s)

可以了, 够了, 都不要管了啦。

|0 note(s)

如果我不相信, 不抱有希望我可能就不会失望了。
我早就应该麻木的, 不是吗? 就是希望这东西害死人。

P.S:perhaps it's too strong to let go but it's too weak to do anything!

Friday, February 22, 2013|0 note(s)

当我开始怀念以前, 我就知道我已不想要以后了。
不管发生什么事, 我都不想去面对。
那天我觉得家是我的避风港, 不管发生什么事我都不是孤独的。
因为它永远都会在这里, 不会离开我, 放弃我和抛下我。
人生里的人有很多, 真正关心或会留下的人少至又少。

Wednesday, February 20, 2013|0 note(s)

Was reading the mrj confession and it made me miss secondary school so much.
Be it old mrj or the new campus, I ♥ both of them. still remember the first day of school, was very lucky to be in the same class as weiying and I remember clearly that we sat at the last parallel row.
me sitting the first seat and she just sat behind me.
That's secondary 1 and we were in class 1D.
I would always go school very late on the day whereby my PE lessons were held.
Going to school during recess time because I just hated PE lesson but for now, the lesson that I miss most is PE lesson.
skip school with leecheng and go watch the earliest movie available. Always go to weiying's or leecheng's house to sleep when we skip school.
Calling my friends when Mr Lai wanted to talk to my parents or when I early depart from school.
for the new school, that's the place where I retake my N level.
Also a new start for me, knew so many new friends. When I reach secondary 5, I will never forget that Mrs yong said that I'm the senior citizen of the class. Haha!
Of cause, I still remember my sitting arrangement of class 5B. Infront of me were deneng, behind me shawn and beside me Ryan. Tongshan was sitting 2 seats away from me and I will always go to her place and play.

All of my good friends were from secondary school times. 

人心啊! 真是猜不透, 每一天都在变。
我呢? 一定有后悔自己的决定, 做法和选择但我不会让自己活在后悔中。
对, 这是个很不负责任的行为但至少我过的开心一点。我讨厌不能说实话的地方, 讨厌不属于我的天地。
我不喜欢在我讨厌的东西里说我喜欢, 我要自己开心一点。

Monday, February 18, 2013|0 note(s)

不知不觉的, 我也活了二十年。
很快就要二十一岁了, 每一天的日子, 生活和故事都让我成长。
我的人生没有目标, 就像是天空没了彩红, 人生就是少了点什么。
可能很多人都会说我还年轻, 可是没有目标的日子真的好无聊。
多想我也可以有一个奋斗的目标, 这样我活的就有一点点意义。
这些日子我想了很多, 也慢慢的发现人都是孤独的躯体。
原本我以为是我想要的, 都不是会让我觉得快乐了。
那以前和以后会有什么样的不同, 好想现在就知道。

So long since I last blogged
Saturday, December 8, 2012|0 note(s)

Been so long since I last blogged 
Be it my open or private blog
Well, just log into my private blog and I realize that I've deleted everything that I've blogged since end of last year 
Nearly forgotten that I did that 
Wanted to log in and read what I've type but it's all gone 
But isn't it good? 
Let the past be in the past 
I'm really very happy and satisfy with what I have right now
Well, I have to admit that life wasn't good to me during the past few months 
But I got back everything when it's reaching the end of this year 
Just look through all those Genting pictures and so many memories flow back 
Well, although it many things happen during that trip, overall it's still a enjoyable one 
Looking forward to go overseas with friends again
Perhaps on my 21st birthday 
Since my IIP will end on the 24 Aug, I've time to go for a break
I hope my mum would allow me to go alone 
Passed my BTT anf FTT, both 1 time KO 
Gonna learn driving real soon 
2012 is coming to an end
2 years spend in RP, gonna go for my IIP during March 
Hopefully I will get into Singnex 
Still remember about a month ago, the time whereby I've let myself out 
Thanks to that, I've wake up for the final time 
Hahahahas, it isn't hard as I though 
All I can say is that I had been stupid and fool 
But some people out there just wouldn't get the facts right before speaking anything
I've no idea why you hate me so much, did I do something wrong? 
Well, I didn't 
All I hope that you would do is to get the facts right
If you don't know, ask the person involved in all this 
I never once though of doing things behind anyone let alone doing something so bitchy 
I've always support you no matter what, helping you to speak up when people say bad things about you
Saying that we don't know you well so we can't assume things about you
Be right back to blog soon :) 

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